Lacey Dang
Board Member & President of University Relations
Current Role: Talent Leader for
Finance and Security at Amazon
Meet Lacey
Lacey has cross-industry experience in talent and leadership development. After graduating with her M.A. in Management, she began an internship at Kaiser Permanente, which ultimately led to a variety of career-building talent roles at the local, regional, and national level.
In 2021, Lacey transitioned to Amazon and is currently a talent partner for Amazon's corporate functions, directly supporting two SVPs, the Chief Finance Officer and Chief Security Officer. Her daily responsibilities include succession planning and executive development, facilitating executive talent processes including promotions and talent reviews, and establishing an end-to-end talent strategy to meet each leader's people goals.
Throughout her career, Lacey has continued to cultivate her passion for professional development and finding meaning at work through coaching and facilitation. At KP, Lacey led a cross-generational professional development affinity group, established an internship program, and was an advocate and early adopter of a career development initiative that allowed employees to match with short-term stretch projects to advance their career. She also served as an adjunct professor for five years in the Azusa Pacific University M.S. in Organizational Psychology program, where she specialized in the real-world application of theoretical concepts around organizational behavior, individual and team assessments, and consulting, and served as a thesis advisor. At Amazon, Lacey is a certified debriefer for an in-house 360 degree assessment tool for leadership development, a certified Myers-Briggs practitioner, and the mentoring lead for Christians@Amazon, a faith-based affinity group.
Lacey believes in the powerful impact of in-person connection, and as a fully remote worker and mom of a toddler, has missed the opportunity to connect and build community with other working moms. She is enthusiastic about Treasure Valley Women in Tech's mission to help the next generation of young women explore meaningful career paths and unlock their potential through community.