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You've got questions, we've got answers.
What kind of organization is Treasure Valley Women in Tech?Treasure Valley Women in Tech is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, charitable organization.
What are the requirements to become a member?Specific requirements vary by Junior, Core, or Mentor membership. You can learn what those requirements are here.
How do I nominate a student or young professional for Junior membership?To nominate a student, recent university graduate, or early career professional, the individual submitting the nominee must be either a Core or Mentor member in good standing of Treasure Valley Women in Tech. If you are a Core or Mentor member - awesome! Please submit your Junior member nomination here.
I don’t work for a tech company, but am interested in networking. May I join?Junior applicants will be considered if they have recently graduated from an accredited university within the last five years and are nominated by a Core or Mentor member of Treasure Valley Women in Tech. If you have not been employed full time within the last 12 months with a technology focused company, Core membership will not be considered.
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